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Second Crafting Station

On December 18, 2022, I hosted another crafting station, which was at the Motor Ave. Farmers Market. The crafting station was right next to Beach City Kitties cat adoption table! Around 26 people came to my station and a total of 32 toys were made. I gave instructions on how to make all of the items and provided a take-home packet. The packet included the importance of enrichment, local animal shelters and rescues they could donate to, and instructions on how to make the items we made that day and more! All of the items were made with common household objects so that people could make the toys at home without needing to buy anything. The options at the crafting station were: catnip toys, squeaky toys, hay rolls, and rice warmers, which could be made out of socks, paper towel rolls, and/or rice. When the crafting station ended, I offered Beach City Kitties to take home as many toys as they wanted. They ended up taking 6 toys and the cats loved them!

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