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Animal Shelters and Rescue Groups Feedback!

Updated: Nov 24, 2023

I created a short survey for all the animal shelters and rescue groups to fill out on the improvements of animal behavior since I donated the enrichment/de-stressing items. The first question was asking about how much the items helped on a scale of 1 to 10. Everyone seemed to agree that the items helped a lot and voted it as a 10! The next question was asking about the changes since the items were donated. Majority said that the animals started playing and moving around more and seemed less stressed! The following question asked which items helped the most. One response said, "They really loved the box in wrapping paper with the holes cutout and little toys inside! Our kittens seemed to really benefit from the hunting enrichment it offered :) This design was genius and lasted the longest!" Another response said, "Toys are always good to have to keep their mind working instead of being bored". There was also a response that said, "Blankets and towels make animals as comfortable as possible in their kennel/condo setting." Another question asked about the specific improvements in animals' behavior/their quality of life. One response said, "Autumn for example loves his new space and how many levels he can perch on thanks to all the blankets", and another response said, "After taking them out of their cage and giving them something to do seems to destress them". A lot of other responses mentioned the animals loving their new items. There was also a response that said, "Play enrichment is very important for the animals in our care as it allows them to destress and play". Additionally, someone said, "A good amount of our cats are play motivated and play really helps them settle in and feel more comfortable, and these helped!" The last question asked if there was anything else they wanted to add. One response said, "We appreciate your donations and the dedication you have to animal welfare", and another response said, "Thank you so much for the donation. The animals are so happy".

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