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First Crafting Station!

On October 29, 2022, I hosted my first crafting station, which was at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center for the Halloween Event. It was a huge success! It was for kids ages 3-12. I met 61 kids who were interested in helping their local animal shelters and rescue groups by making toys for them. I taught everyone how they could make pet toys using common household objects, such as toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, socks, clothes, and tennis balls. I first gave everyone options on which animal they wanted to make the toy for and then let them pick what toy they wanted to make. The options were: catnip toys, tug toys, squeaky toys, and hay rolls. A total of 67 toys were made that day, and the kids really enjoyed making them! Some kids even decided to make multiple toys. I also had a QR code for people to scan for my social media and website pages, and invited everyone to my upcoming workshop at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center.

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